Hey; it's been a while since I posted something... a lot has been happening, I guess..
School is about to start, and I am certainly not ready to begin another school year. College, especially, is stressing me out... Oh what to do...
Anyways, I needed help in other things in my life, and needed some answers and advice. I vaguely insinuated this in AIM, hoping for someone to help me out, and who comes to my rescue?! My friend, who currently lives in New Jersey and has been my friend since junior high school (I think). I haven't talked to him in a while, yet he responded. He asked me what was wrong, and I was a bit surprised, but glad that he actually bothered to ask me. So I told him what was up, and he gave me advice here and there that really did help me out. I thank him for actually caring. Really. Even old-time friends help each other out in the long run. Thank you. And thank you, God, for even introducing me to him long time ago.
At the end of the conversation, I asked him to pray for me, and he gladly said he would. Then, in turn, I asked if he needed some sort of prayer himself, and he said he did. He told me his request, and I gladly told him that I would pray for him. This, in turn, helped me to remember a command that God gave to us: to carry each others' burdens. And that's what we're exactly doing. I'm just loving how God answers in the bleakest times,when I can't seem to focus on Him, and how He is guiding me and reminding me of certain things that I should follow in my life, especially the cross of Christ. Praise God!
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Genre : Short Stories ,Books ,Roman...
3 years ago
amen brother we're all here for you
You're going to do great in college!
you're a math geek remember???
hahaha just kidding pauuuul =]
I know you're going to go to a great college cuz God's going to put you in the best college in the universeeee!! =) YAY PAUL HAAHHA
go math!
You got it Paul. I got you in prayer. Keep your eyes on Jesus.
paul~ u da man.
when God brings u to it, He'll bring u through it
holla back~ blogspot just got hot ;)
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