Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Ok. So a strange thing happened during the weekend, and I don't know how to explain it. But I'll just tell you guys what happened. =D

Ok. So I was watching the Australian Open (tennis) on Sunday, but the announcers were just chatting like mad and weren't showing me the matches. I got a bit annoyed, so I decided to surf through some channels, and came across the movie "A Cinderella Story" (my mom watched it with me too lol). But I started from the middle of the movie, so when I finished seeing the movie, I watched the rerun right after it all over again just to understand the story. Right after I finished, I thought to myself, "Oh wow. Selena Gomez is pretty". T_T

After coming across this sudden emotion, I decided to research stuff about her. I found out certain things such as her birthday, job, and whatever. But the most interesting thing to me was the fact that she was a Christian, and to live it out, she proves it by wearing a purity ring that would represent her willingness to abstain from sex until marriage. I was like that's pretty cool.

And then suddenly, I remembered a story in the Bible, where Jesus Christ was being followed by a huge crowd which wanted to make Him king. But instead of going with the crowd and taking all the glory and praise from men, He humbled himself, and withdrew himself from the crowd. So I asked myself, "How do 'Christian' celebrities really live their life for Christ, if we as Christians are to imitate Him? Just showing committment to purity really isn't enough for Christ... right? How do they do this: (Matthew 28:19-20)" I was unable to answer the question. Maybe you guys can?

But anyways, my curiosity took over, and I decided that I should talk to her myself, and even be an encouraging brother to her (lol). I laugh because this sounds ridiculous from an objective point of view. She actually gave away her number to her fans (I think it's like a phone specifically for fans or something; I don't see why she would give away her number). But anyways, I left her a message. I think that's the best I can do.

I honestly feel stupid, yet willing to do this. For some reason, I just want to talk to her ONCE. lol. This is sounding really stupid to me as I am writing this blog. The thing is, there's like a one out of a billion chance she would ever bother to respond to my messages, so I know it's really not worth it. But then again I look at that possibility, if given the chance. I think it'll be amazing just to see a Christian celebrity's point of view on life, particularly his or hers. Maybe I can just be a brother in Christ for her. Man I don't know. I just felt like ranting.

Anyways, I know this is like a celebrity craze phase that people always have about a particular celebrity. But at the same time, I have a purpose. Maybe I should think more like this for everyone else in the world. Yea. That's a good idea.

Ok. I came to my senses. This is insanely stupid, and seems impossible and without purpose. I'm in my world; she's in hers. And that's as simple as it gets. But still that question looms over me, and I wonder if I'll ever find a definitive testimony of a Christian celebrity living out his or her life for Christ, even if it's not from Selena Gomez lol. Shouldn't we pray for our brothers and sisters in the Hollywood business? Hm. I think that's the best thing we can do. And I'll just leave it at that.

P.S: How long does it take for a celebrity craze to completely vanish, and is there a useful strategy? lol. I heard many different answers, so I guess it varies?

Oh my gosh. I thought I got a message from Selena Gomez, but it wasn't. T_T So much for that. False opportunity. =[

Monday, January 12, 2009


Today was a blessing (although I was way beyond sick; I thought I was going to die lol.. just kidding =]).

Leadership meeting was great. We first spent some time talking about our feelings of Ava's recent death from meningitis. A lot of us stirred with passion to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ after this, I noticed. But I can't help but wonder where she went. I never knew her, so I know it's up to God, who will rightfully judge and punish if necessary. I liked Mee Young's comment on how fragile life is, and I couldn't possibly disagree with her. It's just so true; tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone. This frailty of life stirred me even more passion in me to proclaim the good news. I pray Jesus Day will be a great opportunity to do so.

Some of us left early, narrowing down the size of the group to only four people. We decided to share our troubles and just pray for each other. That was truly a blessing to me. Being accountable for each other was something we always said we would do, but never really initiated. But for the first time, I felt that we leaders (at least) finally opened up to each other, and so we were able to pray for each other. I hope we can do this more often! =]

So for now, I need to sleep. I'm just so sick that I can't do any work. I ask that you guys pray that I would feel better. =]