Hey! It's been a really long time (well it seems to me) since I've posted before...
So I'll start off by answering the generic question people always tend to ask each other: How's life?
Life's good. Real good. haha
Coffee + House is coming up at Stuyvesant High School!!! (We invite you to come!)
Really little stress because I have a really small amount of homework to do.
Getting into all of my colleges (and I mean, ALL), but that's only so far...
Church is just a blessing every week (although I'm there for like just the service =/)
I guess the only problem I'm really facing is financial aid; I'm not getting any information on how much money I will get...
Otherwise, I'm really pumped up for Coffee + House!~
I wanted to share with you guys something I got out of today at church. The sermon came from Matthew 13:44-46 :
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it."
These verses really struck me today. I recall that prior to finding Christ, I wasn't exactly seeking truth and meaning in my life, but instead, stumbled upon Christ, just like the first man in these verses. I wonder if in either case, whether it be the man who simply stumbled upon it or the merchant who was seeking for it, people would find the treasure (Jesus Christ) in Coffee + House, Christians and non-Christians alike. I pray that we would see Jesus Christ as the ultimate treasure in our lives. Because in the end, He's all that matters.
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Download Protectors Of The Heart A Firstinseries Romance Boxed Set Of
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3 years ago