Wednesday, September 23, 2009

JCA Fall Retreat 2009!

Just a couple of sermons I took notes on, and was moved by. Enjoy =]

"Maximizing Your Freedom" -Gal 5:13, Eph 5:15, Jer 29:11

- With freedom come responsibilities, but don't abuse your freedom; don't "freedom overload" E.g. computers, Internet, dating, socializing, studying
- The unbiblical way of freedom; snares:
1) Freedom is doing what I want to do whenever I want to; experimenting
2) What I "feel" like doing; not totally bad, because you may need to experiment things in Christianity like spiritual gifts

Freedom is: 1) the ability to say "no" to less valuable things and say "yes" to more valuable things, and 2) ability to set your own boundaries in your freedoms
To maximize freedom:
1) Surrender your life to Jesus Christ, for He gives the power to gain freedom.
2) Prioritize: E.g. 1. God 2. Grades 3. Family 4. Friends 5. Dating

"Facing Storms in Christ" - Mark 4:35-41
- We are either in a storm, about to enter a storm, or just got out of a storm
- Storm: v. 35
- Disciples encountered storm in the obedience of Jesus
- If you follow Jesus faithfully, you will face difficulties and trials of many kinds; should be no surprise, for He guarantees this
- Response of disciples: "Don't you care...?"
- Exposes where our faith is, our true theology (-)
- Express their faith at where they're at, no matter where it is (+)
- Went to Jesus (+)
- Jesus was sleeping, paradoxically, because "God never sleeps", but Jesus became a man, our high priest
- Loved us, rescued us, a picture of a loving God to experience tiredness, and later, suffering, trial
- Conquered sin and death
- Is always with us in love, suffering
- God can stop the storm, if He wills
- God is greater than anything in our lives; be more afraid of God, and don't be afraid of the storm.


Stephen Kim said...

Good stuff.

Stephen Kim said...

Hope you are doing well, Paul. I saw a whole bunch of Stuy Seekers kids today at Alley Pond Park...worshiping. It was pretty cool.